February 18, 2025

Months-long DAY-NULM training concludes

TAP | Updated: March 29, 2017

ITANAGAR, Mar 29: A three-month skills training under Employment Through Skills Training and Placement (EST&P) component of Deendayal Antyodaya Yojna National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NULM) concluded here on Wednesday at Skill India Training Centre.
Altogether 40 beneficiaries were enrolled for the skills training program and were given training on Trade – Field Technician (Computing & Peripherals), a press release informed.
The skills training program held under the banner of State Urban Livelihoods Mission (SULM), Directorate of Urban Development & Housing, was conducted by Training Provider - SynchroServe Global Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and training partner Tajuk Technologies Pvt. Ltd. in collaboration with Itanagar Municipal Council (IMC).
The beneficiaries who have successfully completed the training would go through an assessment for certification by Electronics Sector Skills Council of India (ESSCI) under Sector Skill Council (SSC) and would also be provided opportunity for setting-up of self employment ventures and salaried jobs.
Interacting with beneficiaries Sameer Nitik, Mission Manager, (Skills and Livelihoods), SULM, congratulated the trainees on completing the training program and encouraged them to prepare well and do good in Certification Examination. He also explained the different future perspective and schemes by which the trainees may get benefitted for self-employment ventures and salaried job in government and private sector.
While addressing the beneficiaries, Vikram Singh, Program Coordinator, Tajuk Technologies Pvt Ltd, training partner of SynchroServe Global Solutions Pvt Ltd explained about the Self Employment Program (SEP) component of DAY NULM and how they could take benefit from SEP for gainful self employment opportunities, the release added.
