April 27, 2024

SCCZ organises street play on voting rights

TAP | Updated: March 27, 2024


ZIRO, Mar 27: The Electoral Literacy Club of Saint Claret College, Ziro (SCCZ), in collaboration with the Department of Education and the college's NSS unit, organized a street play on Wednesday with the theme "Awareness on Voting Rights."

Student volunteers from the department of education and NSS performed a Hindi play that highlighted various forms of human rights violations related to voting rights.

The play emphasized the importance of understanding the significance of living in a democratic society and the necessity of exercising voting rights for the right causes.

Using excerpts from the manifestos of two different candidates, the play aimed to help the public understand the true agenda of any political party, particularly in the context of the upcoming 2024 elections. It also shed light on the voting process, including the NOTA (None of the Above) option and proxy voting.

Through innovative songs, actions, and dialogues, the play underscored the need to address the issue of money culture during elections and advocated for free and fair elections in 2024.

The audience responded positively to the performance, expressing appreciation and pledging to work towards changing attitudes to create a better society free from the influences of religious politics.

The play concluded with volunteers distributing sweets to the public and reminding them about the upcoming simultaneous elections, urging everyone to exercise their voting rights responsibly.

