February 13, 2025

East Kameng DC assesses disaster preparedness

TAP | Updated: June 22, 2017

SEPPA, Jun 22: East Kameng DC Rajeev Takuk on Thursday convened a coordination meeting of the District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) to take stock of disaster preparedness in the district in view of the arrival of the southwest monsoon.

Enquiring about the buffer stock of food grains and other essential items, availability of medicines, status of road communication, power and water supply, etc., the DC sought round-the-clock preparedness from officials during the rainy season.

“Natural disaster may occur anytime and anywhere without any warning, so we should remain alert always,” he said.   

Takuk also enquired about emergency control rooms, rapid response team, availability of inventories, machineries, rescue and relief team, evacuation and relief centre, notified relief shelters, vulnerable areas, incident response team and others.

Seeking judicious use of social media and telecommunication to reach out to the people, the DC instructed the DDMO and DSP to keep emergency control rooms opened 24/7 and collect and circulate emergency numbers among the public. He further urged all members of DDMA and HoDs to keep their mobile phones on always.

Advising the DDMO to maintain an inventory of equipments available, the DC instructed the disaster management and police departments to prepare a list of tools and equipments required for emergency and rescue purposes.

The DC also suggested deploying of PA system-laden vehicle for rigorous announcement for creating awareness among the masses.

Enquiring about supply of food grains to far-flung areas of the district, particularly to Lada, he asked the department concerned to keep track of dropping of food items through sortie in those areas. He also directed construction agencies and departments concerned to keep all roads open by engaging necessary machinery and deploying adequate manpower.

The UD, PWD and other departments concerned were directed to keep the drainage system clean while the PHED was asked to ensure uninterrupted drinking water supply. He directed the power department to clear the jungle along the HT lines regularly from Khuppi to Seppa.

Members of DDMA and HoDs present were also took part in the discussion and suggested several measures regarding disaster management.

Takuk also instructed the petroleum retailer to resolve the issue fuel shortage as early as possible. He suggested the owners of oil depots to coordinate with DA, civil supply and police for obtaining and enabling required logistical assistance in supervision, supply and distribution of petroleum items.

Informing officials that oil tankers are stuck due to landslides and road blockades at several places in West Kameng and Papum Pare districts, the DC said that the district administration is in constant touch with oil retailers to ensure fuel availability.

High speed diesel is reportedly available in the depots. DIPRO
