February 12, 2025

Special kids show potential and energy at theatre festival

TAP | Updated: March 2, 2017

Mumbai, Mar 02: While it is rare to find a theatre by disabled people and rarer to have children performing it, a festival here presented the special kids with a platform to “utilise their energy”.
In an attempt to give direction to the untapped talent and energy of special children, ‘The Heartbeat’ theatre festival was organised in the city.
Mridul Singh, Founder Secretary of Umrao Singh Memorial Educational Society, said, “Special children have a lot of energy in them, but we are not able to utilise it in proper way. We fail to provide a platform to them where they can redirect this energy,” she said.
Despite a short time spent rehearsing the parts, the participant kids were able to do justice with their characters and the potential and energy was clearly visible in them, Singh said.
“Not all special kids are able to study, but they are blessed with other talents.”
The children, who were selected from various slums and special schools in Delhi, attended workshops for a month prior to the performance.
“The kids are never tired, although we may feel tired and ask them to rest during rehearsals, but they refuse to stop,” said one of the trainers.
With a wish to give special kids a platform to utilise their potential, Singh plans to include more children from across the country.
“This is just a beginning and we only have children from Delhi, but I want to make it to the national level and soon to the international level,” Singh says. PTI
