Mumbai, Mar 12: Actor Varun Dhawan says his latest release ‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania’ should not be seen as a ‘time pass’ film. “It’s not a time pass film. It has a message in it and the best part is that people have understood the message. Critics have liked the film and even audience is liking it,” Varun told.
The 29-year-old actor says he did not expect many people would go for the romcom drama as it is exam time and end of financial year. “But people are going and watching it and it feels very nice. I am happy that the film is doing well,” he says.
Released on March 10, the film has so far reportedly earned Rs 27 crore at the box office. “I will not talk about figures as for me it means (that) people are going to theatres and watching the film. I am not that concerned about Rs 100 crore or Rs 200 crore club I am here to entertain people.”
Varun was talking on the sidelines of an award function here last night where his ‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania’ co-star Alia Bhatt was also present. Alia told that she was happy to see the kind of love coming her way for her performance in ‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania’. The 23-year-old star also says she was excited to meet children of her mentor Karan Johar, who became father of twins through surrogacy last week. PTI