January 15, 2025

Seals are stranded in a Canadian  town, and people wonder what to do

TAP | Updated: January 13, 2019

London, Jan 13: The intruders arrived during the night with the wind and high tide. By the morning of January 3, it seemed like the little Canadian town had been overrun. Seals, dozens of them. Seals on the beach, seals on streets and driveways, seals in parks and backyards.
More than a week later, they are still there in Roddickton-Bide Arm, a remote little town on the island of Newfoundland, Mayor Sheila Fitzgerald said Friday.And it has become clear that the animals, hungry and distressed, are stranded, unable to find their way back to the sea.
Harp seals spend winters in the waters off Newfoundland, and it is common for them to go ashore at times, and to swim into bays like the long, narrow ocean inlet that borders Roddickton-Bide Arm, said Garry Stenson, head of the marine mammal section at Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
 Canada seals, Canada town seals, Roddickton Canada, Roddickton Can ada seals, Newfoundland Island Canada, Newfoundland seals, Sheila Fitzge rald, Canada fisheries department, Indian express, world news, latest news
Fishery Officers from Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) relocate a stranded seal near local residences, to open water in Roddickton-Bide Arm, Newfoundland, Canada. (Oceans Canada/Handout via Reuters) “Then if the ice freezes up behind them, they have a harder time getting access to water,” he told Canadian broadcaster CBC. “It’s almost like they get going in a direction and just keep going, hoping that they’re going to eventually find water that way.”At first the seals in Roddickton-Bide Arm, each one about 5 feet long and weighing about 300 pounds, crowded around the town’s two brooks that do not freeze over in the winter. Then they spread out, rolling around in the deep snow and barking like dogs. Residents began to worry that the seals were there to stay through the winter — or might starve.
“They’re very cute little creatures,” Fitzgerald in a telephone interview. “They look so calm when you just look at them; they look so cute, but they’re still wild animals.” She said the town hall was getting calls from people who have seen pictures and video of the seals online, asking why residents do not help or feed the seals. But in Canada, it is illegal to disturb marine mammals — not to mention potentially dangerous — including touching, feeding and even getting near them.
 Canada seals, Canada town seals, Roddickton Canada, Roddickton Cana da seals, Newfoundland Island Canada, Newfoundland seals, Sheila Fitzger ald, Canada fisheries department, Indian express, world news, latest news
For more than a week, seals have been in Rod dickton-Bide Arm, Newfoundland, and they can’t seem to find their way home.There are at least 40 seals in and around Rodd ickton-Bide Arm, population 999, the mayor said, and possibly many more.
Officials from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans are in the town, on Newfoundland’s mountainous and sparsely populated Great Northern Peninsula, to assess the number of animals and find a strategy to help them get back to sea.  Canada seals, Canada town seals, Rod dickton Canada, Roddickt on Cana da seals, Newfoundland Island Canada, Newfoundland seals, Sheila Fitzge rald, Canada fisheries department, Indian express, world news, latest news. The Indian Express.
